Blog your way to financial gain!!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

How To Make Money Online With Google

By Titus Hoskins

Tip! The ways to earn money online mentioned above are by no means comprehensive. There are still a number of ways how people can make money online.

The general public probably best recognizes Google
as the web's premier search engine. Google's dominance
on the Internet can't be denied or argued. But
perhaps what many people don't realize, Google has
become a premium revenue source for many webmasters
and online marketers.

It has became a virtual cash-cow for those who have
mastered Google with their marketing techniques.
They know a number one spot for a competitive keyword
or keyword phrase in Google will usually prove very
lucrative, bringing in a steady automatic income.

Regardless of what the other search engines will attest,
seasoned webmasters also know getting a top placement in
Google will usually bring more traffic than a top placement
in MSN or Yahoo combined! Getting a number one spot in
Google for a popular keyword can prove very lucrative,
earning a webmaster revenue 24/7/365.

Tip! Melissa Cranford is an active affiliate marketer who wants to teach others how to make money online. Learn how you can make a living as an affiliate marketer when you visit http://www.

Therefore, webmasters have to optimize their sites and
keywords for Google if they want to turn a healthy profit.
Optimizing your webpages for Google is a complete industry
in itself, what you really have to keep in mind, besides
on-page optimization like keyword density, mega tags, etc.
is that Google places a great amount of weight on off-page
links and anchor text.

Tip! Visit Izrul Fizal's site to discover the secrets of Make Money Online at http://make-money-online1.blogspot.

Google ranks all webpages on the Internet by a scale
of PR0 to PR10, higher is better. One-way links from
high PR sites related to your keyword or website theme
is highly valued and will usually move your site up on
the SERPs (Search Engine Return Pages). This is the major
factor why 'article marketing' is all the rage and why
articles are great building blocks for getting top
keywords and consequently extremely important for
earning you revenue, directly or indirectly from Google.

There are countless strategies for getting those top
keyword listings in Google. But in my opinion, one of
the best experts on the net for website SEO is Brad
Callen. His 'SEO Elite' is top quality SEO software and
his soon to be released 'Keyword Elite' will greatly
impact how keywords are used by webmasters and

Once you have gained significant traffic, you can use
Google AdSense to earn revenue from your site or blog.
Google AdSense lets webmasters and bloggers earn
advertising revenue by placing the AdSense code on
their sites. These can be text links, images, or banners.
These AdSense ads will be directly related to your
page's keywords. Top or highest paying keywords will
naturally return more revenue. AdSense ads are
extremely targeted and is an effective way of
earning money from your site. Learn more:

Tip! As we try to make money online we have to invest and I am pleased with this one because although I don't know whether it will make money I do know my accumulated experience and Internet marketing database is greatly increased.

One of the undisputed top experts on using Google
AdSense is Joel Comm. A seasoned marketer who has
created some well informed products on Adsense -- mainly
his Google AdSense Secrets ebook and courses.

Of course, Google gives marketers another option, you
can buy your way onto Google's first page results by
using Google AdWords. This is the popular Pay-Per-Click
advertising system offered by Google. Perfecting the
AdWord system is an art form in itself; do it right and
you can create very lucrative cash streams. Do it wrong,
and you can create your very own personal money pits!

26 And Very Rich - Make Money Online! Make Multiple Streams of Income Online. It's so easy.

Therefore, it is strongly advised that you learn more
about AdWords before you risk your hard earned cash.
One of the best sources for Google AdWords is still
Perry Marshall's excellent ebook 'The Definitive Guide
to Google AdWords'. It will give you all the basics on
Google AdWords.

Just about everyone knows about Google's two popular
programs AdWords and AdSense, but there are other ways
marketers can earn money promoting Google products or
services. Google has started to list products that an
affiliate can promote through the AdSense program. You
can earn money by promoting the Firefox browser with
the Google search box and you can also promote Google's
AdSense program to other webmasters and earn money by
referring new users.

Tip! Now you know the best route to take, the methods that put the successful where they are today and the real investments that you should be applying, to make money online.

The next logical step for Google is to offer more
products through its AdSense affiliate program. Many
seasoned marketers are promoting Google's AdSense, it
would be counterproductive for Google not to take
advantage and offer other products/services through
this marketing system. Its own products or other
closely related third party products. Many marketers
would gladly promote products under the Google banner
mainly because any Google branded product would be an
easy sale for most affiliate marketers.

Google pays monthly but you do have to earn $100 before
they send you a check. Getting a check from Google is
somewhat special, no matter what the amount, show your
family and friends a check from Google and their eyes
will pop open! If you're an online marketer you may get
quite a few larger checks from different online companies
but nothing will get you the respect a Google check does.
Just goes to show how much Google has permeated into our
everyday lives.

Tip! They can provide a way to make money online by simply placing ads on your site. These ads are also links to the sites of the advertisers.

Not that you need it, but it's just another reason to
start earning money for Google. Try some of the programs
listed above and you will be smiling all the way to... now,
where the heck is that Google Bank?

Everyone is profiting from Google, find out how you
can too! Click here: Google Cash File

Copyright � 2006 Titus Hoskins of Internet Marketing Tools.
This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Discover How Anyone With Absolutely No Money Can Make A Fortune Online Without a Website

By B.A. Johnson

Tip! I have a site that helps people find ways to make money online. I make money with information products, and help others learn how to make money online doing the same thing.

A quick and easy way to earn a fortune

Here's an amazing opportunity for you to make some money, even if you don't have a dime to your name. It's possible for you to start earning over $1,000 within the next 24 hours.

I am going to show you four easy steps you need to take now in order to get your share of the richest that awaits you.

I am taking about making money with affiliate programs, now I know you may have tried it in the pass to no avail or you may be trying it right now and you are a little disappointed because you haven't made any money yet.

Well the reason you haven't made any money is that you are doing it all wrong. If you are promoting the affiliate program directly on or offline using , magazines, classified ads, direct mail or online promotions you undoubtedly have been using the affiliate link that was given to you.

Tip! There are a lot of ways to make money online; you can sell a product or services. If you think you are good ion writing, you can start a freelance article-writing site.

You were told in order to make money, you needed a website and have your affiliate link to it. Has it worked? You found out that banners don't work either. Those FFA sites, forget them, all they do is fill your email with spam. Don't waste your time with free classified sites. The lookers are only picking up your name and email address as a lead source to try and market their product and services to you.

Here's the problem why you haven't made any money, everyone that sees your affiliate link knows what you are trying to do and they will exchange your link with theirs and steal your commission. You need to take certain precaution to insure that you get paid and your link in not recognizable.

Stop marketing the product or service through the affiliate link, you can't make money this way. This article is design to give you the knowledge you need to totally turn your business around so that you will know how to start making a large chunk of money.

Tip! While this is just becoming a way to make money online, it is quickly gaining popularity. There is plenty of room for development and people are finding out that their domain name they just purchased not long ago is worth much more to sell today.

Below are the steps that will show you how to build a massive fortune online

Step One: Set up a ClickBank account if you haven't done so yet, you will need this account in order for your checks to be mailed to you. It's fast, easy and it free.

Step Two: You need to join between three to five affiliate program that will pay you $20 or more per sell. If you are trying to promote anything below 50% commission, you are not going to see a big profit margin. I found two super site that you can check out to get you started. I must warn you, there is a lot of information on these sites and I suggest you read some of the articles they provide. and

Tip! Everyday people are searching the net hoping to find a magic way to make money online. Only few are actually making some serious money online and the rest are struggling.

Step Three: Once you determined which affiliate programs you are going to join, you need to mask your link, okay! what do I mean, simply this, you need to mask your affiliate link with a hosting domain. The reason you want to do this is to prevent your affiliate link from being recognized and having your commission stolen.

Someone can see the website you are trying to promote, eliminate your tracking code and can go there directly leaving you without a commission. So you need a hosting company to mast your affiliate link. A real good source I know of is
The fee is very cheap and you have this domain name for one year until you renew it.

Once you are established with your new domain name, go to the FAQ section. Go to the title "What is masking and how do I set up for my domain?" follow its instruction to mask your affiliate link. You may want to print this for the next time you set up a affiliate link. Now the way you are going to use your new domain name is explain below.

Tip! Not only do I make money online but I make good money. In fact, sometimes I make more money in a single day than I did in a month as a junior janitor.

Step Four: Submit your domain name to all of the major search engines, just type in
"search engines submission" in your browser. The major one are: Google, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, AllTheWeb, AOL Search; HotBot, Teoma, AltaVista, Gigablast; LookSmart, Lycos, MSN Search, Netscape Search & Open Directory. Do not pay anyone to do this, you can do it yourself. Don't submit to 100's of search engines, it is not necessary.

Start writing articles with good content. Your articles should be directed toward a niche market who would be interested in reading your articles, not to someone interested in selling shoes. If you don't know how to write articles, learn. Just do a search online and type in " How to write articles" or type in "Free articles" to get a good ideal how on how it's written, you are going to get a lot of information on this subject.

Tip! The ways to earn money online mentioned above are by no means comprehensive. There are still a number of ways how people can make money online.

Your articles will be submitted to Ezines and free websites that maintains them. I know I told you early that you can do this without cost, well you can but if you ever submitted articles before, then you know how tedious it can be.

I suggest you look online into a software program title " Article Submitter Pro" you will be able to submit your articles to 500 to 750 Ezines in a few hours compared to months trying to do it manually. Read about the reviews on this program, you will thank me for it.

Tip! OK, you ask, what about the 'Make Money Online' part of the title. Well, that was the opportunity I got on board today.

Do not try to sell any product or service in your articles. People are reading your articles because of a problem they are trying to solve, the ideal of writing good articles is because you are going to plug in your domain name in your resource box. This is how your readers buy online and thus you making money through your domain. Your ClickBank account will track all of your earnings, so you will never have to worry about getting paid or cheated.

See, you haven't been doing this before. You only been concentrating on promoting the affiliate link and that is why you haven't made any money. By writing articles, you can sell anything online. You can sell for any company who has an online affiliate program.

Tip! They can provide a way to make money online by simply placing ads on your site. These ads are also links to the sites of the advertisers.

This is a great way to build your affiliate marketing business, if you really want to make enough to quit your job and make more than you ever dream, then check out:

Use these strategies to widen the appeal of your marketing and focus on writing good content that will solve a problem and then you will see your profits take off.

Ready to start making money? Go to step number one and don't put this article down until you complete all the steps. Do it NOW!

About The Author

Bobby Johnson is a financial planner/accountant and freelance writer who help build his client business by using marketing copywriting strategies that increases their marketing performance. You may email him at:

You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your e-book or on your website, free of charge, so long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include our resource box as listed above.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Make Easy Money Online

By Christopher Kyalo

Tip! Everyday people are searching the net hoping to find a magic way to make money online. Only few are actually making some serious money online and the rest are struggling.

Most people would swear that there is no such thing as easy money that one can make online or anywhere else for that matter. And they would be wrong because there are many online entrepreneurs who spend only a few hours every week on their online business and yet make more easy money than most people make in a year every month.

Understandably what has made it even more difficult for most people to believe that it is possible to make easy money online are the hoards of hype peddlers and scum artists that we have online these days.

So how does a person make this easy money online?

All you need to make easy money online is a blog, which can easily be hosted for you for free by leading blog hosts like blogger and wordpress, and a couple of affiliate links on your blog. That's it. The rest are details. These details which are critical to you succeeding to make money online the easy way, includes the right relevant affiliate links. You must also be able to build up a reasonable amount of traffic to your blog.

Tip! Other way to increase website traffic to make money online consists in the promotion of a newsletter signup page, which you should send later a serial of automated emails promoting your product or affiliate products.

Sounds too good to be true? There's more.

One of the reasons why many people have completely missed this easy make money online opportunity is because it does not require any cash investment.

Learn more about this make money strategy from a blogger who is using it to rake in thousands of dollars... and growing.Or subscribe to his email newsletter with plenty of case studies that will help you maximize on your affiliate earnings. To get it free send a blank email NOW.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Top Earning Make Money Idea Has Made Many Rich Online

By Christopher Kyalo

Tip! Now you know the best route to take, the methods that put the successful where they are today and the real investments that you should be applying, to make money online.

One of the reasons why many people have completely missed the top earning make money idea on the net is because it does not require any cash investment.

Yet this top earning make money idea has made so many online entrepreneurs rich beyond their wildest dreams. For many others this simple top earning make money idea has given them a steady respectable income in return for doing only a few hours work each day. But let me make it clear here that to reach that stage where the entrepreneur needs to put in only a few hours daily, calls for a lot of long hours and hard work initially. Yes, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Still what is a few weeks of very hard work in return for a lifetime income with this top earning make money idea? It is definitely very much worth this little initial sacrifice.

Let me also say that this top earning make money idea is so simple and easy to do that that many of those who those who finally get to make it using it always wonder why they never figured it all out earlier.

Tip! As you can see, finding out what the best way to make money online is not as easy as you would think. With a little research, using the internet will help you; you can actually build yourself a highly profitable business.

All you need to make this top earning make money idea work is a free blog and relevant affiliate links.

Learn more about this make money strategy from a blogger who is using it to rake in thousands of dollars... and growing.Or subscribe to his email newsletter with plenty of case studies that will help you maximize on your affiliate earnings. To get it free send a blank email NOW.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Make Money Strategy That Is Sure To Work Online

By Christopher Kyalo

Tip! Well there are many different ways to make money online. You can make money through your own auction store through ebay or another auction site, you can have your own store on a web site and you can conquer adwords and advertise other peoples products and get paid per sale.

It sounds very simple when somebody says that all you need to make money online is a strategy. Yet that make money strategy can be very elusive. What with all the hype and scum peddlers preying on you online and looking for every possible way of parting you with your hard earned money.

Still, the best strategy to use to make money is the one that has worked for the highest number of people. In other words, what you need is a make money strategy that boasts of a track record. It is as simple as that.

That strategy that will help you make more money than you have ever dreamed of in your entire life is closer than you thought.

Have you heard of those high traffic blogs that were started by some geek that you know can't be smarter than you are? That is where the most successful make money strategy on the Internet is. All you have to do is sprinkle links to relevant affiliate programs, and you will be using a strategy to make money that has changed the lives of many.

Tip! As we try to make money online we have to invest and I am pleased with this one because although I don't know whether it will make money I do know my accumulated experience and Internet marketing database is greatly increased.

The rest are details. It includes finding a unique subject that's related to something you like and therefore know a lot about. This make money strategy also involves you using keywords that are bound to draw high traffic to your blog as well as other traffic generating techniques.

But most of all, you have got to believe me when I tell you that this make money strategy does not need you to invest anything other than your time.

Learn more about this make money strategy from a blogger who is using it to rake in thousands of dollars... and growing. Or subscribe to his email newsletter with plenty of case studies that will help you maximize on your affiliate earnings. To get it free send a blank email NOW.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Affiliates Make Money Online Using Links, Google Adsense and PLR Content

By Chet Holcomb

Make Money Online Using A Simple Method. Make Thousands Promoting This Site. Look At Screen Shots, Get Your Share Now.

If you have you been wanting to make money online for awhile now, you have probably encountered product launches, audio and video streaming, teleseminars, and jv ventures, etc. The experts that are promoting these products and services are making money head over heal. In all fairness, these products and services are real and useful to the people who buy them.

Tip! Now to make money online.

But what most of them will not tell you is that there are thousands of people on the Internet making thousands of dollars a month and not spending a red cent. They do not go around to every marketing seminar in the world just to make contacts and sales. They seldom do joint ventures with other marketers, because frankly, no one knows who they are. They plainly sit in front of their computers in their under garments, click a few links, and hang on till the money starts rolling in.

Want to know how do they do it? Affiliate links, Google Adsense, and PLR content.

Take Google Adsense, for example. Search engines fancy good content and the more, the better.

When you build numerous content pages on your website, the search engine spiders crawl the website, then follow each link to more content, which helps increase your rankings.

Tip! Ryan Ambrose is the webmaster of Financial Self-Reliance, a site about how to actually make money online. The Solutions Page, where you can find information and services that can help you, is here.

How does this make you money? By inserting Adsense ads on every page and as visitors click through your pages, many will also click the Adsense advertising links. Every time they do, you make a commission from Google. It can be anywhere from a few cents to many dollars.

They do not have to buy something. Just by clicking the link makes you money. The more people you direct to your website, the more people will click the links, and the more money you will make.

Tip! Visit Izrul Fizal's site to discover the secrets of Make Money Online at http://make-money-online1.blogspot.

Now all that is required is content. If you are a good author, you can write your own. But most of us are not.

One choice would be to use articles written by others. Go to any of the accepted article directories and you will find thousands of articles. Most can be re published free of any cost as long as you keep the resource box attached with each article. While you are not promoting your own product, this is a very viable choice.

The main downside to using other peoples articles is that the reader will perceive them as expert information and probably click the link in the resource box instead of the Adsense links, and you lose money.

However, the best choice is Private Label Rights articles. Just a little modification can change these articles into your own handiwork. The reader will see you as the expert, while you are not competing with another author.

You can also enter your own resource box with a link to an affiliate program, so whether they click the Adsense links or your affiliate link, you have raised your odds of making money. And you have done it lacking a single product of your own.

Making money on the Internet is not as tough as some would have you consider. As with any online concern, give the people what they want and they will be back for more.

Tip! After that, they are always hooked and cannot do enough to learn everything there is to know about how to make money online. Many people I have worked with now have a couple to several websites selling everything from reports to hard goods that can be shipped direct to their customers.

Chet Holcomb of Internet Promotions Marketing Tools is a successful marketing expert providing advice for web marketers and webmasters on how to promote your website, or product using marketing tools that work. His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information.

You may reprint this article if no additions, alterations and the authors resource box is included

Friday, November 17, 2006

Make Money Fast Online: What You Need To Do

By Christopher Kyalo

Tip! I don't know if I will make money online with this site and could not recommend it to anyone at this stage. What I do know is that with the Internet marketing information now in my possession this site stands a chance of helping me to make money online and my other sites will perform better as I apply the Internet marketing techniques to them.

It really isn't that difficult to make money fast online, you just need to thoroughly understand the World Wide Web and how it works.

One of the things that you will need to understand very well to make money fast is how to market whatever it is that you are selling online. Online marketing is very different from offline advertising. Just to give one example; offline, display advertisements give you the better response, the more beautiful and colorful the better. Online banner ads don't yield much of a response. The most effective ads tend to be text ads and small text links. Hence the amazing phenomenal success of the Google Adsense affiliate program. Adsense ads are mostly tiny text things that appear on the side at a site.

If you intend to make money fast, online, then you just can't afford to ignore small tiny text ads. This is one of the reasons why it also very important to carry ads that are as relevant as possible to the content on your site. Note that this yet another major contributing factor to the huge success of the Google Adsense program.

Tip! But so what! In my book anyone who can devise how to build a site in 15 minutes. Provide products and an affiliate program plus all of the Internet marketing information which you use to make money online is pretty smart.

Then the other key factor to note if you want to make money fast online is the fact that joining an affiliate program will always make you money much faster than trying to promote your own creation. One of the reasons is that you get to use the power of referrals which is a key ingredient for anybody seeking to make money fast online.

Learn more about the best home business opportunity from a blogger who rakes in thousands of dollars... and growing from their home business.