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Friday, October 06, 2006

Work From Home A - Z

by Craig Binkley

2006 © Craig Binkley

Whether you currently work from home, or a considering the possibility of starting a home business, here is my A-Z list of things to consider. The items I have listed are both positive and negative things that you will probably want to consider. So without further ado, here is my list:

A - Attitude: A positive attitude will help when things may not go as planned.
B - Bank: You will need to choose a good bank with which to work.
C - Can Do: Dont let others tell you that you its impossible to "work from home".
D - Debt: Debt is a form a slavery. Stay away from it as much as possible.
E - Effort: Making a home business a success will take a lot of effort - are you up to it?
F - Family: This is a home business - get your immediate family involved.
G - Goals: Set short, medium and long term goals.
H - Health: Your health may determine what type of business you should start.
I - Insurance: What type and, how much coverage will you need?
J - Job: (Just Over Broke!) Is that where you are at now?
K - Knowledge: Learn all you can about the type of business you want to start.
L - License: Learn what your city, county, and/or state requires for a new business.
M - Money: It takes money to make money - there is no free ride.
N - No: Dont take "No" personally. Move on to the next customer or prospect.
O - Organize: Dont waste time looking for misplaced items - organize you office, emails etc.
P - People: Do you like to deal with people - this should go into your business decision.
Q - Quit: Dont quit at the first sign of trouble. Persevere.
R - Rest: You cant work 24/7. Youll be more productive when youre well rested.
S - Sprint: Short sprints are ok, but building a home business should be more like a marathon.
T - Taxes: There may be certain tax benefits from owning a home business.
U - Urgency: Learning to prioritize tasks that need your immediate attention.
V - Vision: Do you have a vision for your business? Write it down.
W - Work: Can you work without a boss looking over your shoulder? Be a self-starter.
X - Extra: Okay, I got a writers block on X. But it will take extra effort to build a business.
Y - Youth: Find a way to get your kids involved - pass the business on to them down the road.
Z - Zeal: Have zeal (enthusiasm) for the home business you choose.

There you have it - my A-Z listing of things to consider when working from home. This list should not be taken as the only things to consider either. Use it as a springboard to other questions and concerns that you can come up with.

The reason for this list is to get you thinking; dont start a home business without planning and research. Know what you are getting involved with. Home business can be a wonderful thing, but to be honest, it is not for everyone.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Craig Binkley is a husband, father and home business owner. Come visit us at our Work From Home Directory @


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