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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Top Marketing Concepts to Make Money Online � Part 1

By Frederic Madore

Tip! If you decided to start to make money online, give yourself a pat on your shoulder because it will definitely change your life drastically.

The following concepts are extremely important to understand if you expect to make money online. Those Basic concepts should become the first step you take each and every time you implement a new home business idea.

You should also realize that those concepts have been used and tested multiple times by big time earner on the net. They have been working by most of the successful internet marketer out there.

Be Passionate

Making money on the internet is not Rocket Science, but it does require some hard work. So I would suggest doing business in a field you love or are really interested in. The key is to wake up every day excited to get to work on your business.

Define your Niche Market

Your first step should be to define your niche market. You will need to make some market research to find good products that are appealing to your niche. I would highly suggest you focus your energy in finding a product you won't find in retail stores. Your Target market must be located online.

Tip! In order for you to make money online, there's no need for you to make any phone call. You simply reduce your living cost by not having to pay any more phone bill.

Get an answer to a problem

The key to be successful on the internet is to help people. Focus on your niche, study them and find out what they need, what they want. Once you have found what they want, develop a solution to help them. People are looking for information on the internet. They are rarely looking for a hard sell.

Focus on benefits, not features

You need to convince your customers that they need your product. They need to know what your product will do for them. You need to explain to your customers the advantages of your products. Answer the question �what's in it for me?�.

What is your USP

You need to find out what makes you different from your competitors. Why should they buy from you instead of another? Does your product cost less? Do you offer a better service? Find your Unique Selling Proposition and capitalize on it.
This ends the part 1 of this course. Look out for the second one

Tip! Starting any business carries a certain financial risk, so make sure you can carry the burden without putting yourself in financial jeopardy. Before you start to make money online, you will certainly have to invest some.


Frederic Madore is an Expert Author in the field of Internet Marketing. Visit his website to discover how to make money online. You can also visit his blog to find reviews of the best home business ideas


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