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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Is it Possible to Make Money Online? Heres the Surprising Evidence

By Richard Johnstone

Tip! While this is just becoming a way to make money online, it is quickly gaining popularity. There is plenty of room for development and people are finding out that their domain name they just purchased not long ago is worth much more to sell today.


So I've quit my job and have am now looking at alternative ways of producing a income. There are probably many people in the same situation.

I've got enough money in the bank to last me a couple of years so I've approached this from an impartial perspective and am motivated by curiosity more than potential financial gain.

There are lots of web based �opportunities' which claim to be able to generate cash, but as with all things in life you never get anything for nothing and they all seem to play on the same emotions which drive the stock market - Greed and Fear.

Is it possible to generate a passive income from an on-line venture?.

I don't know is the honest answer, but after several days of on line research I've chosen a system that's going to help me find out.

Did it cost me money - absolutely. The same price as a good night out.

Did it cost me time - absolutely. A few hours

Did it make me money - Possibly - I'll keep a running total on my website to show money spent compared to money coming in..

To view the system I've chosen for my initial venture into generating income from the web please visit my website.

Tip! After that, they are always hooked and cannot do enough to learn everything there is to know about how to make money online. Many people I have worked with now have a couple to several websites selling everything from reports to hard goods that can be shipped direct to their customers.

There will be a link from the site to show the financial status to date.

Remember - I have no reason to lie. I'm doing this for fun and to prove a point.

Good Luck with your online income generation/working from home business venture!.

I'm a professional engineer but with limited web skills. I'm following the instructions of one of the more famous 'get rich quick' schemes to (dis)prove whether it works and provide an honest view.


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