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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Make Money Online With Affiliate Programs

By Bing Zou

Tip! As revealed, there are so many benefits you can obtain if you start make money online. Knowing enough about online business to make solid, informed choices cuts down on the fear factor.

Broadly speaking, affiliate program seems including everything, no matter as hot as pay per click advertising or as old as pay per impression or pay per sale or lead marketing. So, it is true that all businesses, no matter big or small, are making money online with affiliate programs. The doubt is only how to select suitable affiliate programs to make money.

What is a partner? What is an affiliate? A partner is an associate who works with others toward a common goal. An affiliate is a subsidiary or subordinate organization that is affiliated with another organization. It seems the difference is there but the basic meaning is the same - for sharing benefit.

Tip! James Wood is an Online Business Entrepreneur who recently co-wrote The Wealthy Skunk - Make Money Online.

For home base business, affiliate programs have huge advantages: 1. no hustle and be your own boss; 2. with low or even no cost to set up; 3. no hard task to deal with, such as customer service, shipping or inventory management; 4. high income potential and keep running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no holiday no stop and sales everywhere.

Tip! I use a simple system to make money online. You can visit http://www.

Based on individual company's policy, there are some rules that do not allow you to sign up all affiliate programs, such as PPC search engines or gambling affiliate programs may be not compatible. Meanwhile, you may know that every company has its minimum payout and commission rate is different.

In my personal experience, I strongly recommend you sign up third party for your affiliate programs. This will bring you two major advantages: one is save your time; the other is collecting your money together.

There is thousands of individual affiliate programs offered on the internet, many being through third party affiliate program networks such as Clickbank, Commission Junction Linkshare and so on. These companies connect a large number of advertisers and publishers together via their own network.

As a publisher, one registration gives you access to tens, even hundreds of advertisers simultaneously. Tracking partner performance is easy: there is only one technical support contact and easier to manage, like only using one user id and one password. The payment is received as your monthly revenue. Another is third party check affiliate programs' credit and reputation.

Tip! Once you have automated your online business 50% - 100% and have success with it, feel free to start make money online for other business. When your second business achieves another success, go for the third online business and on it goes.

Payment thresholds can often be fairly high - a $50 US minimum is common for international publishers. Finally, a payment delay of two months or more from the date of a sale/lead generation can occur often. Not mention some affiliate programs have been known for not fairly treat affiliate to track sales and leads properly as honestly as they could be. Not mention some affiliate programs announce they are not responsible for missing check. Can we ask whether they really send check?

For those big affiliate programs, like Google AdSense, Amazon, you may participate directly with their affiliate programs.

How should you choose an individual affiliate program? My suggestion is not to choose an affiliate program only according to the payment scheme, but rather according to the kind of people who are likely to visit your website, it means relevance. For example, if you are targeting home based business on your site, links to affiliate programs with school recruiting program, text-books sale and the like may generate less revenue than banners that link to paid survey companies. The most important rule of choosing an affiliate program is to know your target audience.

Tip! Now you know the best route to take, the methods that put the successful where they are today and the real investments that you should be applying, to make money online.

Another suggestion is not necessary to join every single affiliate program that comes your way. Some gurus suggest that sites that make the most money from affiliate programs are only sign up a small amount of affiliate programs.

Bing Zou is the owner of website and is designed for making money at home with a new lifestyle. recommends opportunities to make money online fast.
You can contact him at email:


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