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Monday, October 23, 2006

Make Money Online!

By Scott Hove

Tip! The ways to earn money online mentioned above are by no means comprehensive. There are still a number of ways how people can make money online.

What do surfers do?

What kind of question is that for an article titled, "Make Money Online?" It might sound even more crazy if you knew that I grew up on a farm in North Dakota - far from the ocean!

But I learned something about business and life, in general, by watching surfers. When a surfer is sitting on their board paddling gently out in the ocean, what are they really doing?

Being lazy?

Listeing to their IPod?

No way! They are watching for the next big wave!

A surfer is out there bobbing on their board watching the wave action and getting ready to get off their butt to ride the wave to shore!

That's what surfers do...they catch the wave...the opportunity for a great ride!

Tip! I have a site that helps people find ways to make money online. I make money with information products, and help others learn how to make money online doing the same thing.

I have a number of business pursuits currently in development, but recently I came across an opportunity that has inspired this article. The opportunity reminded me of the surfer.

How many times in life have you looked back and said, "if only?" Or what about, "If I would have known then what I know now!"

My wife and I invested in our first investment property about two years in Las Vegas - where we live. The real estate market was just beginning to soar here when the opportunity presented itself. We didn't have a lot of time to think because if we didn't buy the property my business partner at the time would have! We decided in about five minutes to do it! We were ready and we knew we had to get up on our "surf board" and ride the wave! (It was a great decision...quick but great!)

And, so, I ask you: are you like a surfer or do you just stand on life's shore? It's a tough one but one we all need to wrestle with.

Tip! Affiliate programs are connected with SEO and the amount of traffic you attract to your site. The more traffic you drive to your site the better chance you have to make money online through visitors clicking on advertisers' banners on your site.

OK, you ask, what about the "Make Money Online" part of the title. Well, that was the opportunity I got on board today. If you are interested click on the link below, but, more importantly I wanted you to think about becoming a surfer!

What do surfers do?

They ride the waves!

Scott Hove is "The Entrepreneurial Pastor." An expert in wealth building, he believes in developing multiple streams of income. To learn more about one of the ways he does this, visit:


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