Blog your way to financial gain!!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Ways to Make Money Online � Using Google

By Greta Mikosic

Tip! They can provide a way to make money online by simply placing ads on your site. These ads are also links to the sites of the advertisers.

Now everybody knows the behemoth Search Engine Google. If you haven't, you have probably been living under a rock for the last decade. The amount of daily searches performed daily exceeds 200 million. The exposure that websites get listing well in their database is enormous, and that is why every website owner is falling over themselves to rank well in Google.

Next time you logon and perform a search for whatever it is you are looking for, stop and think for a moment. How good would it be if you could actually make money with the help of Google? Yes, you heard right. Google will actually help you make money online.

Most people don't even realize that this is a possibility and easier than you may think. So lets get to the part where I reveal to you how you can do this to with ease.

There are 2 main ways to make money online using Google.

1. Google Adwords
2. Google Adsense


Google adwords is the advertisers program that Google has. Advertisers can create little ads and bid how much they want to spend on a specific search keyword.

Tip! While this is just becoming a way to make money online, it is quickly gaining popularity. There is plenty of room for development and people are finding out that their domain name they just purchased not long ago is worth much more to sell today.

Lets say you wanted to find out about Ways to make money online. You would go to Google or any other search engine for that matter and type that phrase into the search box. Once the search is complete you will get a list of results. Take a close look on the right hand side of the page and you will notice that there a "sponsored ads". They are the advertisers ads that the advertiser has bid on your keyword you just typed.

Now you to can sign up as an advertiser, (for FREE) and place ads and bid on keywords. What for you ask? You can sell other peoples products or services as an affiliate without even owning a website by placing ads on certain keywords relating to the product or service you are promoting. In doing so, whenever you make a referred sale you get a commission for that sale. Check out Intervestonline to read more on this subject.

Tip! I have a site that helps people find ways to make money online. I make money with information products, and help others learn how to make money online doing the same thing.


Google Adsense on the other hand is a simple way that a current owner of a website can monetize their site to generate some income. By registering with Google Adsense (for FREE) you can place a small amount of code that Google give you, on your website and your site will show relevant Ads from the Adwords advertisers. If a visitor clicks on one of those ads, Google pays you a share of the profits. You have just made FREE money that you would have made otherwise.

Adsense works well on sites that have lots of content with lots of keywords that may be used in a search on a search engine. You don't even need to be selling a product on your site to make money online with Google Adsense. The real benefit comes when you combine the two to grow you earnings exponentially. Check out Intervestonline to see how they use Google Adsense to generate a great income. Their stratergy is very smart to say the least, well worth a look at how they do it.

Tip! Other way to increase website traffic to make money online consists in the promotion of a newsletter signup page, which you should send later a serial of automated emails promoting your product or affiliate products.

There are many guides and tools available that will show you how you can use both. So if you are interested in Ways to Make Money Online Google would be a perfect place to start. All you need is to write a little ad, or paste a tiny bit of code on your site to start the dollars rolling in!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Easy Way To Make Money Online: 8 Steps To Affiliate Cash

By Jack Silver

Tip! ebay has been the hottest way for people to make money online the past few years. Anybody and everybody can make money off of selling different possessions without having any marketing or business skills.

In this article, I am going to show you an easy way to make money online. But first, let's take a general overview of where a newcomer fits in. We all know that there is a wealth of possibility out there on the internet, and it seems that every week we are hearing stories of individuals having "a $20,000 day" within internet marketing circles. Of course, most of these individuals are veteran marketers and have a comprehensive repertoire of skills. So what about the newcomers to internet marketing? Is there an easy way to make money online? The answer to that would be no. However, there is a SIMPLE way to make money online, but do not confuse that with easiness. "Easiness" would suggest money is made without any effort, which is not the case. You will have to invest a fair amount of focus, discipline and hard work, but the formula to follow is fairly simple in execution, and the pay-off can be immediate.

Tip! I have a site that helps people find ways to make money online. I make money with information products, and help others learn how to make money online doing the same thing.

There are a few popular ways to make fast money online, but I shall be concentrating on providing you with one workable method which you can put to use straight away. This is to use internet forums in conjunction with affiliate marketing. Let's go through it step-by-step.

1. Go to Clickbank and register for an affiliate account (it's free).

2. Browse the Clickbank products (anything BUT internet marketing products) and select a product which offers you a healthy commission of 50% or above.

3. Get your affiliate text link for that product by clicking on the "Earn X%" button.

4. Run a Google search for forums and message boards related to the topic of your affiliate product.

5. Open a new bookmark folder and name it "Niche forums". Register for every forum you can and then bookmark the forums in your new folder.

Tip! Wei Feng is the owner of website Make Profit Online and runs the blog Make Money Online. Feature information to make money online and make profit for a living.

6. Ensure that each one of your forum profiles is edited to include your affiliate link within the signature option.

7. Spend a few hours browsing the forums, making a list of commonly asked questions by users, and then find the answers to these questions through a bit of Google research.

8. Post in each forum a few times a day. Be helpful and informative and build your status. The more people trust you, the more likely they are to click on your affiliate link.

And that's all there is to it! It doesn't sound glamorous, but it works if implemented in good faith and with great industry. Imagine that you pick an affiliate product that will pay you a $20 commission on each purchase made through your affiliate link. If 10 people a week click on your link through your forum exposure, then you're making an additional $800 a month.

The sky is the limit. The more forums you post to, and the more posts you make, the greater your exposure is. However, don't use this as an excuse to spam forums. Respect the guidelines and, most importantly, give value to the users by providing the answers they seek. The more gravitas you establish, the more times your link will get clicked. It really is as simple as that - the easy way to make money online.

Tip! Once you have automated your online business 50% - 100% and have success with it, feel free to start make money online for other business. When your second business achieves another success, go for the third online business and on it goes.

Jack Silver is an internet marketer based in the U.K. Jack's fast-track success story, "How I Quit My Job And Made Money In My Pyjamas" can be located at

Monday, October 23, 2006

Make Money Online!

By Scott Hove

Tip! The ways to earn money online mentioned above are by no means comprehensive. There are still a number of ways how people can make money online.

What do surfers do?

What kind of question is that for an article titled, "Make Money Online?" It might sound even more crazy if you knew that I grew up on a farm in North Dakota - far from the ocean!

But I learned something about business and life, in general, by watching surfers. When a surfer is sitting on their board paddling gently out in the ocean, what are they really doing?

Being lazy?

Listeing to their IPod?

No way! They are watching for the next big wave!

A surfer is out there bobbing on their board watching the wave action and getting ready to get off their butt to ride the wave to shore!

That's what surfers do...they catch the wave...the opportunity for a great ride!

Tip! I have a site that helps people find ways to make money online. I make money with information products, and help others learn how to make money online doing the same thing.

I have a number of business pursuits currently in development, but recently I came across an opportunity that has inspired this article. The opportunity reminded me of the surfer.

How many times in life have you looked back and said, "if only?" Or what about, "If I would have known then what I know now!"

My wife and I invested in our first investment property about two years in Las Vegas - where we live. The real estate market was just beginning to soar here when the opportunity presented itself. We didn't have a lot of time to think because if we didn't buy the property my business partner at the time would have! We decided in about five minutes to do it! We were ready and we knew we had to get up on our "surf board" and ride the wave! (It was a great decision...quick but great!)

And, so, I ask you: are you like a surfer or do you just stand on life's shore? It's a tough one but one we all need to wrestle with.

Tip! Affiliate programs are connected with SEO and the amount of traffic you attract to your site. The more traffic you drive to your site the better chance you have to make money online through visitors clicking on advertisers' banners on your site.

OK, you ask, what about the "Make Money Online" part of the title. Well, that was the opportunity I got on board today. If you are interested click on the link below, but, more importantly I wanted you to think about becoming a surfer!

What do surfers do?

They ride the waves!

Scott Hove is "The Entrepreneurial Pastor." An expert in wealth building, he believes in developing multiple streams of income. To learn more about one of the ways he does this, visit:

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Make Money Online Free

By Matthew Keegan

Tip! The ways to earn money online mentioned above are by no means comprehensive. There are still a number of ways how people can make money online.

Have you ever thought about how you could make money online free? Is it even possible to make money online free? Well, some would argue "no" you can't, but I am here to tell you that what seems impossible for some is quite possible for others including you. Are you interested in finding out how? If so, read on and we'll cover some of the basics on creating wealth through the internet.

Make money online free is a tantalizing proposition. It can seem impossible too. Thankfully, there is a company that is encouraging individuals to create great wealth and that company is Google. What's more, Google is providing the tools you need to make money online free. No fees, no charges, nada. Just the time and effort you decide to put into the process.

Tip! One of the reasons why many people have completely missed this easy make money online opportunity is because it does not require any cash investment.

The first step you want to take is to visit which just so happens to be the blogging company owned by Google. Blogger is one of the largest sites on the internet and Blogger will help you make money online free if you elect to run Google AdSense ads on your blog.

Before you sign up, think of a category that will help you make money online free. Laptops is one, student loans is another. Simply start a blog based upon hot keywords, sign up with Google and before you know it the traffic to your site will be clicking on the ads and paying you.

Fortunately, you aren't limited to only one blog. If you have the time, the energy, and the know-how, you can start up an entire blog network consisting of tens if not hundreds of blogs. Yes, you will have to keep them up, but no doubt you will and your sites will be well visited. Before you know it you will make money online free when your first check of $100 or more arrives from Google.

Tip! While this is just becoming a way to make money online, it is quickly gaining popularity. There is plenty of room for development and people are finding out that their domain name they just purchased not long ago is worth much more to sell today.

To further enhance your wealth, make certain that you email all of your friends and family members to tell them about your blog network. Invite them to participate, but do not tell them to click on the ads as that is a violation of Google's Terms of Use. If your blogs are interesting, and you place your ads strategically on each one, you can expect regular clicks without much effort on your part.

Some bloggers are making a nice side income ranging from a few hundred dollars per month to well over $1,000 per week. You may not be able to quit you day job right off the bat, but you could conceivably get enough money to finance a car payment even the mortgage on a new house!

Tip! It's truly mind boggling how some people make money online. You just have to be creative and understand how the net works and how people shop online.

So, next time someone tells you that you can make money free online, remember what I have shared with you: yes you can. With a little sweat and much effort on your part, you can shake the internet tree and reap a nice monthly harvest.

Copyright 2006 - For additional information regarding Matt Keegan, The Article Writer, please visit his blog for wit, quips, and freelance writing tips.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Is it Possible to Make Money Online? Heres the Surprising Evidence

By Richard Johnstone

Tip! While this is just becoming a way to make money online, it is quickly gaining popularity. There is plenty of room for development and people are finding out that their domain name they just purchased not long ago is worth much more to sell today.


So I've quit my job and have am now looking at alternative ways of producing a income. There are probably many people in the same situation.

I've got enough money in the bank to last me a couple of years so I've approached this from an impartial perspective and am motivated by curiosity more than potential financial gain.

There are lots of web based �opportunities' which claim to be able to generate cash, but as with all things in life you never get anything for nothing and they all seem to play on the same emotions which drive the stock market - Greed and Fear.

Is it possible to generate a passive income from an on-line venture?.

I don't know is the honest answer, but after several days of on line research I've chosen a system that's going to help me find out.

Did it cost me money - absolutely. The same price as a good night out.

Did it cost me time - absolutely. A few hours

Did it make me money - Possibly - I'll keep a running total on my website to show money spent compared to money coming in..

To view the system I've chosen for my initial venture into generating income from the web please visit my website.

Tip! After that, they are always hooked and cannot do enough to learn everything there is to know about how to make money online. Many people I have worked with now have a couple to several websites selling everything from reports to hard goods that can be shipped direct to their customers.

There will be a link from the site to show the financial status to date.

Remember - I have no reason to lie. I'm doing this for fun and to prove a point.

Good Luck with your online income generation/working from home business venture!.

I'm a professional engineer but with limited web skills. I'm following the instructions of one of the more famous 'get rich quick' schemes to (dis)prove whether it works and provide an honest view.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Make Real Money Online Using the Virtual Estate Concept

By Karima Begag

Make Money Online Using A Simple Method. Make Thousands Promoting This Site. Look At Screen Shots, Get Your Share Now.

The really good information on how to make money online sells for thousands of dollars. However, if you are serious about making good money online, the simple yet powerful concept of Virtual Estate I am about to share with you, will show you exactly how, for free.

Pick a dream location for your dream house. Now, imagine you can create a piece of land right there for free. You can create as much land as you want, the only catch is, it takes you a month of full-time effort to create a � acre. Imagine the government would ask you to create 2 acres of land for them; in exchange they would build your dream house for you on your first � acre for free and they would give you the taxes they collect on the land you created for them as long as they collect them. All you have to do is wait a few months to get your house and live off the property taxes or you could create a new profitable project for the government. All for free!

Tip! If you desire to make money online, then you need the tools to accomplish your mission. Communications must be open and you must have all the Messenger services and Internet Telephony services installed on your PC.

Such a deal sounds awesome and incredible but it can become your reality: instead of creating real estate you can easily create free Virtual Estate (web sites, intellectual property �). If you have the right tools, you can create a multi-million dollar piece of Virtual Estate (your own web sites) at an extremely low cost (from 0 $ to a few hundred bucks max to get started) and earn recurring income while enjoying your life.

Karima Begag

This is one of the many amazing and powerful techniques taught at:
Get your FREE 12 hour video course plus many other incredible tips and start building your Virtual Estate Empire.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Using HYIP Monitors, You Can Make Money Online!

By Reuben D'Souza

Tip! Michael Stimpson runs the Internet Cash Picks website. Internet Cash Picks shows internet marketing newbies the easiest and most efficient products to help them make money online.

If I were negotiating a river, it would be useful to have a map of the rough spots and the smooth spots. That knowledge would make maneuvering the river much easier, especially if I knew that the trip had dangers that constantly shifted locations. By using that knowledge I would be able to plan the safest possible trip, as well as plan ahead for potential dangers. I would be able to maximize the value of the trip while minimizing dangers to my investments.

Make Money Online In Just 5 Minutes! The Real Income, Ultimate Automated Cash Stream.

Investing in a high yield investment program can be hazardous, even beyond considering the basic risk of the HYIP itself. There are a number of HYIP's that are scams, and others that are higher risk yet lower gain, and a lot that just don't perform well, or even decently. In order to track all the various HYIP's out there, how they perform, and which are just scams, various sites have been set up that monitor them. These sites are called, not surprisingly, �monitors�.

Investors take advantage of monitors in order to check out HYIP's. By using the monitors, an investor can check out the history, average gain, and other statistics of a HYIP, as well as be made aware of any problems with the HYIP, such as the history of the company providing the HYIP, and the likelihood of any particular HYIP being more scam than opportunity.

Tip! Everyday people are searching the net hoping to find a magic way to make money online. Only few are actually making some serious money online and the rest are struggling.

By using a monitor, you can also track general trends in HYIP's, and see how those trends do. By using that knowledge, you can predict how well your HYIP will do, and whether or not it's worth it to invest in a particular HYIP. When you do check out particular investments, there are some things to keep in mind:

Performance: Different investments perform at different rates. Be advised that slower performing investments aren't as bad as faster performing investments, and that how well an investment performs isn't as important as that it makes you money; in fact, sometimes having a sluggish investment is actually good for a portfolio. Use this to determine if the HYIP is right for you, in terms of how it aligns with your other investments.

Tip! One of the reasons why many people have completely missed this easy make money online opportunity is because it does not require any cash investment.

Feedback: Arguably the most important factor, and a factor that often gets ignored by new HYIP's. Pay attention to all the feedback that has been given in regards to a particular investment, and try to filter out any feedback that is obviously biased (sometimes competitors give negative feedback to investments that belong to rival companies praise their own). The feedback will be the first to catch onto scams, and acts as a barometer on how the investment is doing and will doing, making it vital to your financial well-being.

By paying attention to the moderators, you have a map that allows you to see the danger areas, as well as the areas that constantly shift between safe and dangerous. How you negotiate this river determines how well you do, so pay attention to your maps!

The best way to make money from HYIPs is to use a HYIP Monitor. Visit on of the fastest growing ones at!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Top Marketing Concepts to Make Money Online � Part 1

By Frederic Madore

Tip! If you decided to start to make money online, give yourself a pat on your shoulder because it will definitely change your life drastically.

The following concepts are extremely important to understand if you expect to make money online. Those Basic concepts should become the first step you take each and every time you implement a new home business idea.

You should also realize that those concepts have been used and tested multiple times by big time earner on the net. They have been working by most of the successful internet marketer out there.

Be Passionate

Making money on the internet is not Rocket Science, but it does require some hard work. So I would suggest doing business in a field you love or are really interested in. The key is to wake up every day excited to get to work on your business.

Define your Niche Market

Your first step should be to define your niche market. You will need to make some market research to find good products that are appealing to your niche. I would highly suggest you focus your energy in finding a product you won't find in retail stores. Your Target market must be located online.

Tip! In order for you to make money online, there's no need for you to make any phone call. You simply reduce your living cost by not having to pay any more phone bill.

Get an answer to a problem

The key to be successful on the internet is to help people. Focus on your niche, study them and find out what they need, what they want. Once you have found what they want, develop a solution to help them. People are looking for information on the internet. They are rarely looking for a hard sell.

Focus on benefits, not features

You need to convince your customers that they need your product. They need to know what your product will do for them. You need to explain to your customers the advantages of your products. Answer the question �what's in it for me?�.

What is your USP

You need to find out what makes you different from your competitors. Why should they buy from you instead of another? Does your product cost less? Do you offer a better service? Find your Unique Selling Proposition and capitalize on it.
This ends the part 1 of this course. Look out for the second one

Tip! Starting any business carries a certain financial risk, so make sure you can carry the burden without putting yourself in financial jeopardy. Before you start to make money online, you will certainly have to invest some.


Frederic Madore is an Expert Author in the field of Internet Marketing. Visit his website to discover how to make money online. You can also visit his blog to find reviews of the best home business ideas

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Does It Really Take Money To Make Money (Online or Offline)? A Reality-Check of 2 Case Studies

By Xavier Nelson

Tip! Other way to increase website traffic to make money online consists in the promotion of a newsletter signup page, which you should send later a serial of automated emails promoting your product or affiliate products.

The short and simple answer to this question is NO!

Now, before you start screaming that I am crazy, out of my mind, have lost my marbles and all the other things that generally get tossed around when someone has the nerve to state something like that, let me clear a few things up.

It does not take a monetary investment to get your business off the ground (aside from the everyday items you already have around your house).

It does take time, effort, drive and determination on your part to do it though, a good dose of imagination, sprinkle in some luck for good measure and most importantly, it takes a dream. Now I am not going to go into any of the usual dream-building, nor will I tell you exactly what to do, or how hard you have to work to do it. You already know the answers to these things.

Tip! They can provide a way to make money online by simply placing ads on your site. These ads are also links to the sites of the advertisers.

NOW, to make it big (and trust me, what you consider to be �big' may differ greatly from every other reader of this article) it will at some point take monetary investments. There, I said it. At some point, if you really want to break out and make some serious money, you will have to invest some money in your business.

Make Money Online Using A Simple Method. Make Thousands Promoting This Site. Look At Screen Shots, Get Your Share Now.

But that does not mean you can't get started for free, work hard, and see your cashflow begin to roll in. At that point, reward yourself, you've earned it, maybe take your loved one out for a dinner, because he/she probably had to put up with quite a bit already.

Being an entrepreneur is not hard, but the dedication it demands can be hard on any relationship, so take a night off.

Ok, now we're back, had a great and wonderful evening, time to get back to work. The next step is to take some of the money you are making and if at all possible, invest it all in growing your business (after all, you probably still have a job that pays your bills at this point).

If you reinvest at least a healthy part of what you earn from your new venture, you can achieve the success you dreamed of, but beware, it can be an pretty strong temptation to start tossing your money out the window, but I know you are strong enough, deep inside (go ahead, grab yourself by the collar and shake a little) to overcome it.

Tip! Once you have automated your online business 50% - 100% and have success with it, feel free to start make money online for other business. When your second business achieves another success, go for the third online business and on it goes.

Let me give you two examples from my own experience that I hope will inspire you to take your dream, embrace it and get you rolling with your own vision.

Case Scenario 1: Offline Food Delivery Service

While still living in San Antonio, I was working part time at a Pizza joint delivering pizzas a few nights a week. I had a full time job as a dispatcher, but with a wife (now ex-wife), two kids, a dog and a cat, and all the bills that come with a family, things can get tight. The team that managed this little franchise was doing a pretty poor job at marketing, and an even worse job at managing. Well, enough of the ugly picture, it just gets worse. Time to talk shop...

I wanted to do something a little different, help my colleagues (who were just as fed up as I was), so I happened to notice that most of the deliveries (and probably the only thing really keeping that pizza shop going) was the local Air Force training facility.

So I sat down one weekend, with my ex-wife and laid out the plan (You have to have a plan. Let it start as a vision and a dream, but make sure you write it out step by step).

The plan was simple, take orders from the Airmen, pick up food, take the food to them, and get paid. Easy, huh?

Ok, here's what I did, I made some flyers on my beat up old computer, used a freeware contact management software to keep track of customers and an old tin lockbox I had in the garage for a change drawer. Bingo, N.E. Deliveries was born.

Tip! I don't know if I will make money online with this site and could not recommend it to anyone at this stage. What I do know is that with the Internet marketing information now in my possession this site stands a chance of helping me to make money online and my other sites will perform better as I apply the Internet marketing techniques to them.

We would take calls from the local servicemen and my ex-wife would jot down their order. She then paged me, since I normally hung out (if I wasn't on a run) near Fast Food Central (a little corner where a bunch of the main chains all had a shop). I called her back from the payphone (I didn't have a cell phone at the time), took the order, grabbed it from the store and took it to the Airbase. Cost to the Airmen? Price of the food, plus a $5 delivery charge and whatever they wanted to tip me. Understand the scenario please, these men and women, come out of basic training and haven't even seen a Big Mac in ages. Now they are at a technical school, which still doesn't give them the freedom to run down the street and grab a taco.

Tip! I use a simple system to make money online. You can visit http://www.

It only took one weekend and I had made more money with this venture than I had during the whole week of delivering pizzas every night.

But here's the kicker. Word spread real fast, I got too busy and I was even getting orders to go pick up pizzas at my old shop (they couldn't deliver fast enough and people were willing to pay the delivery charge for good and fast service). We even started getting calls from the local neighborhoods, were our fliers had spread to, or other personnel, who were not in training at the airbase, lived.

Uhoh, we ran into a big problem, too much business. (What a wonderful problem to have). It happened that I kept running into some of my former colleagues, and boy I tell you, the first few times they saw me show up at their shop to grab a pizza and then a little while later some others saw me deliver their pizza to the airbase, wow, what a rush that was and it was the turning point for my company. 4 of the drivers that I was pretty close to and that I had great respect for came on board with me instead.

Tip! The manual that came in the package is concise and clear so the site did only take fifteen minutes. Also in the manual is a wealth of FREE traffic generation guidance and, links to FREE sites all about how to make money online and Internet marketing.

The end scenario was that we delivered a lot of food to hungry people and made everyone happy in the process. And the drivers were able to make more money as well.

Scenario 2: Online and offline Telecommunications Brokerage

Unfortunately, N.E. Deliveries had to stop when we were transferred to Japan (thinking back, I know I could have sold the concept and kept it going, but I was still new to business thinking).

So, here we were, overseas in a new country, not a lot of jobs to even start with, what to do.

I happened to notice that a lot of the phone services for calls back to the States were very expensive and even more so in my case, since most of my family lives in Germany.

I also happened to have noticed this online company, which was giving away free dealerships for long distance calls, callback programs and a few other telecommunications services. And who doesn't like free? Not only that, but their rates were pretty good, they offered not just one service from one company, but a lot of them together. So I sat down at that old beat up computer again, cleared out all the contacts from N.E. Deliveries out of the same old freeware contact manager, and created some new flyers. I was able to hang them up in a lot of areas at no charge and started to get some calls in. Now, part of my online business meant, I could literally just send them to a website, let them pick the service they wanted and just wait for my check. The problem I saw though was that a lot of military people overseas at the time were not familiar with what a callback service is, so I decided to help. I put my phone number on the flier, and when someone called, I explained to them briefly the cost, how it works and what makes it better for them than using, say a calling card. I would even go visit them to show them how and even set up an account I used for myself as a demo account and would allow them to call home to the United States for 5 minutes for free, just so they could say hi to someone special in their life.

Tip! Start Slow! When you first start out trying to make money online, the internet is going to seem like a huge place with tons of information everywhere. You'll probably feel overwhelmed with an information overload! Don't let that happen.

Just doing something simple like that (and it really didn't cost me much on my phone bill) generated a lot of extra sign ups, since I went out of my way to give them more information than any of the other companies that were trying to push their services.

Make Money Online In Just 5 Minutes! The Real Income, Ultimate Automated Cash Stream.

Ultimately, this lead to a steady, monthly stream of income and several other opportunities to work with other companies as a telecommunications consultant. The best part? I learned everything I needed to know from the online company I signed on with, I still learn a lot even now. I am still receiving paychecks from clients that signed up with me all those years ago, who now have services through me in either the United States or in some of the other countries they are now stationed in. And once I took some of that income and placed a small display ad in the local military paper, wow, things really started to take off.

The overall thing I want you to leave with after taking the time to read all of this is plain and simple: YOU CAN MAKE MONEY OFF-LINE AND/OR ON-LINE, without investing any additional money (I only gave you two examples, but your imagination will guide you well, as long as you think outside of the box). And you can grow your business even more by reinvesting some of your earnings (if not all) into your new venture.

Tip! Starting any business carries a certain financial risk, so make sure you can carry the burden without putting yourself in financial jeopardy. Before you start to make money online, you will certainly have to invest some.

I know you've heard it a thousand times before, but I have to say it anyway. If I can do it, so can you. I have no special education (aside from the school of hard knocks), no degree, none of those things. I am just an average guy, with a computer, an internet connection, a printer and most importantly the dream, desire, vision and determination to succeed.

Here's to your success,

Xavier Nelson is the publisher of eBusinessCornerNews, your source for reviews, articles, free resources and more. Get your free subscription at right now.

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Friday, October 06, 2006

Work From Home A - Z

by Craig Binkley

2006 © Craig Binkley

Whether you currently work from home, or a considering the possibility of starting a home business, here is my A-Z list of things to consider. The items I have listed are both positive and negative things that you will probably want to consider. So without further ado, here is my list:

A - Attitude: A positive attitude will help when things may not go as planned.
B - Bank: You will need to choose a good bank with which to work.
C - Can Do: Dont let others tell you that you its impossible to "work from home".
D - Debt: Debt is a form a slavery. Stay away from it as much as possible.
E - Effort: Making a home business a success will take a lot of effort - are you up to it?
F - Family: This is a home business - get your immediate family involved.
G - Goals: Set short, medium and long term goals.
H - Health: Your health may determine what type of business you should start.
I - Insurance: What type and, how much coverage will you need?
J - Job: (Just Over Broke!) Is that where you are at now?
K - Knowledge: Learn all you can about the type of business you want to start.
L - License: Learn what your city, county, and/or state requires for a new business.
M - Money: It takes money to make money - there is no free ride.
N - No: Dont take "No" personally. Move on to the next customer or prospect.
O - Organize: Dont waste time looking for misplaced items - organize you office, emails etc.
P - People: Do you like to deal with people - this should go into your business decision.
Q - Quit: Dont quit at the first sign of trouble. Persevere.
R - Rest: You cant work 24/7. Youll be more productive when youre well rested.
S - Sprint: Short sprints are ok, but building a home business should be more like a marathon.
T - Taxes: There may be certain tax benefits from owning a home business.
U - Urgency: Learning to prioritize tasks that need your immediate attention.
V - Vision: Do you have a vision for your business? Write it down.
W - Work: Can you work without a boss looking over your shoulder? Be a self-starter.
X - Extra: Okay, I got a writers block on X. But it will take extra effort to build a business.
Y - Youth: Find a way to get your kids involved - pass the business on to them down the road.
Z - Zeal: Have zeal (enthusiasm) for the home business you choose.

There you have it - my A-Z listing of things to consider when working from home. This list should not be taken as the only things to consider either. Use it as a springboard to other questions and concerns that you can come up with.

The reason for this list is to get you thinking; dont start a home business without planning and research. Know what you are getting involved with. Home business can be a wonderful thing, but to be honest, it is not for everyone.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Craig Binkley is a husband, father and home business owner. Come visit us at our Work From Home Directory @

Building an AdSense Business With Free Blogs

by Brian Hay

I feel like its about time that I paid back to the community for all of the knowledge and help that I received along the way. Hopefully this post will help you get started in the AdSense business even if you have little or no money to spare but desperately want to try your hand at it.

Normally Google wont approve AdSense applications for free websites, but there is one exception. So if youre short on cash for hosting and are eager to get started, you might give this a try. Blogs

Not long after Google bought, they made AdSense available to Blogger blog owners. Blogger is great because it has an easy interface, Google and Yahoo crawl the blogs quickly, and best of all if youre broke--theyre free, and Google loves to give out AdSense accounts to Blogger owners. :)

So if youre looking to get started with AdSense and not spend much money, Blogger is a great way to get started.

Before I talk about how to setup a Blogger blog for AdSense, though, let me tell you what an RSS feed is and how it works. If you already know this you can skip ahead. I make reference to this in the setup instructions, so its important to understand.

An RSS feed (as it applies to a blog) is basically a list of all of the recent posts made to your blog. People can use "RSS Aggregators" (software that continually checks up on your RSS feed to see if theres anything new) to keep up with new posts on your blog. Websites will also want to publish your RSS feed on their sites if your content is good. This gives them fresh content for their visitors. And we all know that content is King in the world of website building.

Blogger blogs come with an RSS feed built-in, and you can use this to your advantage to generate traffic to your blog. Ill discuss that in a bit, but first lets get into building the blog.

Create Your Account

Determine Your Blog Topic First

Before you create the blog, you need to figure out what topic the blog will focus on. Think about your skills or hobbies that youre really good at. You might not be a mechanic, but if youre really good at working on cars on the weekend, and you love to do it, that would make a great blog topic. Brainstorm your skills and interests to determine what you would enjoy writing about. Its important that you like to write about it, since you will have to do so to build up the blog!

I will say this: If you have some knowledge on a commercial or industrial topic, this will usually get higher paying AdSense ads. But a hobby blog can do very well also (I know this from experience!).

Create the Blog

Once you have a topic chosen, it only takes about 5 minutes to setup a blog. From the Blogger homepage click the "Create Your Blog Now" link and follow the blog wizard instructions. I wont get into detail about them because its pretty straight-forward, but there are a few points I want to make.

First of all, when you choose your blog URL, make sure that the URL contains the keywords for your topic. For example, if youre creating a blog about health insurance, "" is ideal, or "health-insurance" or even "health-insurance-blog" or "health-insurance-12345". Just make sure that your keywords are in the URL, that will help you be found when people search for your keywords in the search engines.

Also, be sure to pick one of the professional looking templates. I suggest you just pick the plain-white one that is first in the list of templates when youre creating the blog. Once the blog is created, then click on the "Templates" tab and select one of the nicer ones shown there. Im not sure why Blogger doesnt show you all of the available templates in the blog setup wizard, but they dont.

The Settings Tab.

A discussion of the important points of each settings tab is outlined below.


On the "Basic" settings tab, set your blog title to the keywords you want to show up for in the search engines. That will help you get ranked.

Give a good, detailed description about the benefits of reading your blog daily. You want to get people to add your RSS feed to their aggregators and websites so you can get traffic, and this will help.

Answer "Yes" to the question "Add your Blog to our listings?". This will have your blog appear on the main page of Blogger when you make new posts (albeit for a brief period of time), and allow people to search and find your blog using Bloggers search tool.

One other, lesser known detail about setting that question to "Yes" is that if you set it to "No" Blogger will shove "nofollow/noindex" meta-tags into your blog template header, which will prevent your site from getting crawled or indexed. I believe this was done to fight what Blogger called "spam blogs".


Set the "Notify Weblogs" setting to "Yes". This will send a notification to Weblogs every time you make a new post. Weblogs is a site that lets people (and search engine crawlers) know when new content appears on a blog. You want the crawlers (and visitors) to hit your pages when you add new content, so be sure this is set to Yes.


You can do what you want on this tab-I personally set the number of posts on the main page to between three and five.


Allow comments unless your blog topic is really controversial and youre likely to get a lot of flaming (people lashing out at you for what you have to say). Allowing comments is good because it gives more food to the search engines and keeps your blog updating and fresh even when youre not posting to it.

I usually let anyone comment, and dont limit it.

Dont show the comments in a pop-up window, because that will prevent the crawlers from being able to get to the content since its javascript-based.

If youre concerned that people might flame you, but you want to allow comments, enable comment moderation so that you have to approve each comment that is added before it goes live.

If you want to be notified when a comment is made, set the Comment Notification Address to your email address.


Set your archiving to daily if you post every day, or weekly if you only post every few days. If you post every day daily is the best way to go, because it gives the search engines more unique pages to crawl and index. More unique content means more traffic to your blog and more clicks on your AdSense ads (Ill get to adding your AdSense to the template in a bit).

If you dont do a daily archive (and maybe even if you do), enable post pages so that each post will still have its own unique page even if multiple posts appear on the same archive page. Having multiple posts on one archive page is not a bad thing if you have post pages enabled, since the posts tied all together make for yet another unique page on the blog.

Site Feed

Definitely enable the site feed. If your posts tend to be very short, you might enable full descriptions. But if you have long posts (which I recommend), do not enable the full feed, use the short feed. Heres why:

If you put the full post in your RSS feed, then the person reading the feed doesnt have a reason to go back to your blog since they have already read the full post. No visitors to the blog means no clicks on your ads. AdSense has an "AdSense For Feeds" in beta testing, but its not open to all publishers yet, so at least for now you need to induce people to visit the blog.

If they can only read part of the blog post, then if they want the whole story they will need to go to your blog. You can plan for this by making sure that your title and the first 255 characters (about the first 50 words) really pull in the readers attention. You need to use those first 50 words to make them just have to read the rest.

Also, if your RSS feed appears on websites, you dont want to give away the farm by showing the whole post. Youre letting websites use your feed so you can get clicks on the posts in that feed and get visitors to your site to build AdSense revenue.

So set the "Descriptions" to Short, write long posts and make the title and the first 50 words count.

The Templates Tab

If you havent already picked a nice template from the list, click on the "Pick New" link under the templates tab and select one of the templates that you like and that fits your topic.

If you dont already have an AdSense account, you can click on the "AdSense" link and apply for one straight from the blog instead of having to go to to apply. Thats how badly Google wants Blogger blog owners to use AdSense on their blogs! :)

Once youve done that, its time to paste your AdSense code into your template. Click on the "Edit Current" link if youre not already there.

There are two methods of setting up your template. You will generate the most clicks by doing the following:

1) Find the section of the template that looks like this:

2) Paste your AdSense code for a 336x280 large rectangle directly after the second

tag. Be sure to format the colors of the AdSense to blend in with the background of your blog for maximum results

If they agree to exchange links, make sure that you have them link to your site using the keywords that you want to rank for. For example, if you want your blog to rank well for "Home Made Widgets", be sure to have them use the link text "Home Made Widgets".

You can manually insert the webmasters link and description text into your blog by modifying your template. I try to put it in the left or right hand column just below the archive links. To do this, modify your template and look for this code:

And finally, below the links, add this:

Every time you make a new link exchange with a webmaster, just go in and repeat the

code with the new link and description just above the tag.

The more competitive your blog topic is, the more links you will need to get to rank well. But if your posts are informative, witty and humorous where appropriate, word will soon spread about your blog and your traffic will grow as people link to you without you even asking for a link. Growth in traffic means growth in AdSense revenue.

Concluding Comments

I hope this tutorial will help some of you who are on a restricted budget and just getting started with AdSense to start making some money by creating quality blogs at Blogger.

It takes some time and effort to make good informative posts, but once you have learned to create one successful blog you can repeat the process and create another, and another, until you achieve enough success to start putting up your blogs at your own domain name instead of "". Blogger lets you do that, too, but thats a subject for another post. :)

Heres to your success!

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